I am trying to sort by lastUpdatedStamp in a groovy file but I get an error:

My groovy file is:

// Get all Portlets located on the selected PortalPage
orderBy = ["columnNum", "rowNum", "lastUpdatedStamp"];
portletList = delegator.findList("PortletAndPortalPagePortlet",
EntityCondition.makeCondition([portalPageId : portalPageId]), null, orderBy,
null, false);

and I get:
(Field with name lastUpdatedStamp not found in the
PortletAndPortalPagePortlet Entity)

Browsing the OFBiz code it seems that sorting by this "embedded" fields is
possible in the forms actions <order-by/> tag.

Could it be possible to have it working in groovy  files also? Does it make

Many thanks,

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