
Many thanks for this fix, which files do I need to update...is it just CommunicationEventServices.xml?

Calum Miller

Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Fixed in revision: 699636


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have written something wich works without changing previous behaviour for other calls (out of eCommerce). But I had also to duplicate an rename createCommunicationEventInterface into createCommunicationEventWithoutPermission since it"s there that createCommunicationEventRole, and now createCommunicationEventRoleWithoutPermission, are called

I will reffine before commiting


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Sumit,

From: "Sumit Pandit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have an idea regarding to it. It is quite similar to yours.

Idea is to call a service via eca which return hasPermission = true when permission check service return false.

The code would be like this :

1) Write an service (for instance: overridePartyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck ) which return a boolean hasPermission=true.

I'd have prefered that you have explained *what* you want before *how*.
So the *what* is that you want to allow access for everybody fut anonymous. Then I wonder if PartyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck is usefull at all (except in the anonymous very specific case)... That's why I suggested to have 2 types of permission and use them accordingly. It needs more work but it allows both possibilities without changing anything else.
So no, I don't agree it's the same idea


   Like :
<simple-method method- name="overridePartyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck" short- description=""> <if-compare value="anonymous" field="userLogin.userLoginId" operator="not-equals">
             <set field="hasPermission" type="Boolean" value="true"/>
             <field-to-result field-name="hasPermission"/>

2) Call this service via an eca, with condition if hasPermission=false : <eca service="partyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck" event="return" run-on-failure="true"> <condition field-name="hasPermission" operator="equals" value="false" type="Boolean"/> <action service="overridePartyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck" mode="sync" result-to-result="true"/>

Suggest if you are agree with it ?

Thanks and Regards
Sumit Pandit.
HotWaxMedia, Inc

On Sep 24, 2008, at 2:14 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Feel free to suggest a patch in Jira from my remarks below. Except if someone see a better solution ?


From: "Ritesh Trivedi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Any updates on this one?
I am getting multiple order confirmation emails as well due to this error. I
think someone has also reported this issue.
jacques.le.roux wrote:
Sorry for the delay, I was not nuch available these last days. I would
suggest to
1. Introduce a service interface definition same than
createCommunicationEventRole but without the permission check, description would be "Create a Communication Event Role with or w/ o permission check." 2. To use it in createCommunicationEventRole adding the permission check.
3. To create a new service definition (say
createCommunicationEventRoleWithoutPermissionCheck) with same interface,
same implementation
(location="org/ofbiz/party/communication/ CommunicationEventServices.xml"
invoke="createCommunicationEventRole") but without permission check
4. Then to use this new services in Contact Us and everywhere the same
need appears.
From: "Sumit Pandit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello Jacques, Hans

I have checked it by remove the permission check line from the service definition. Here i found it works well.

Here i requested that it is require to remove the line from the service,
if not remove following code will block :
1) Contact us (as already known)
2) In new implementation of profile when we add the code for send email
notification on create profile then it causes the same error

and some more ...

What is the best possible solution of it, It is needed to fix urgently since my customized application is blocked due to it.

Thanks and Regards
Sumit Pandit.
HotWaxMedia, Inc

On Aug 26, 2008, at 2:45 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

There is a contradiction between definition where

partyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck" main-action="UPDATE"/> is used

<service name="createCommunicationEventRole" engine="simple"
CommunicationEventServices.xml" invoke="createCommunicationEventRole" auth="true">
 <description>Create a Communication Event Role</description>
 <permission-service service-
name="partyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck" main- action="UPDATE"/> <auto-attributes entity-name="CommunicationEventRole" include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/> <auto-attributes entity-name="CommunicationEventRole" include="nonpk"
mode="IN" optional="true"/>

And a change done (r685581) in implemtation to allow everybody to use

<entity-one entity-name="UserLogin" value-name="sysUserLogin">
 <field-map field-name="userLoginId" value="system"/>

I guess we should change the definition...


From: "Sneha Chaturvedi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello all,

I visited http://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/ecommerce/

Created a new profile
Went to contact us

but when i send the content I am getting error for permission.
so i think no permission is set for the user profile created through ecommerce. I think some implementation is missing in create profile section.
It shows me the error :

Security Error: To run createCommunicationEventRole you must have the one of the following permissions: PARTYMGR_UPDATE, PARTYMGR_ADMIN, PARTYMGR_CME_UPDATE, PARTYMGR_CME_ADMIN]

What should be done in this case.

Thanks in advance

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