Hi Colin,

Thanks you very much.
I'm reading the 10 chapter ... I go to buy it.

undersunconsulting training package is a bit old because its web site is out of date (2004) !
But maybe interesting.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Colin Rooney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <user@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: Book on Apache OFBiz development

Eric DE MAULDE wrote:

Have people bought and read this book ?
What is your opinion ?
My goal is to lean in order to improve or create services in trunk !



----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacques Le Roux"
To: <user@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: Book on Apache OFBiz development

Hi all,

Damian from Packt asked me if we were interested to receive
information about royalties. They will send 5% of all sales to the
ASF. So we have not to care about redirecting links or such, cool !
In the past Struts and SpamAssassin have already done the same and
Brian Fitzpatrick (ASF Public Relations Vice President) has been
involved. I will contact him soon.

One more point : I have been asked if we would like to know about
individual statements that breaks down the royalty (they pay the
royalties on a quarterly period through PayPal to ASF). It seems to
me that this would be interesting from a statistic POV. I may use my
own address for that because we can't use private not dev or user ML
(since I guess there will be nominative informations) and forward to
private ML. What do you think ?

I have set the links from news in main page and Wiki books page


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks Marco,

Packt Publishing propose to "donate a percentage of the money made
from each book sold to the Apache foundation, in line with
[their] Open Source Project Royalty program". So I will before try
to know if something already at the ASF which allows to make that
easy. I will also put a link from our books page on Wiki.

Of course if anybody see a problem with that feel free to express


Hi to all,

I saw on this article
that now is
available one book on Apache OFBiz development.
If someone want to add it to the OFBiz site news.


Hi Eric,

I'm just starting out on the OfBiz road myself and I have got the book.

It's subtitle is "The Beginner's Tutorial" and that does describe it well.

I also invested in the documentation from HotWax which is pricey, but I
felt I was making a small monetary payment for all the great work done
to date ... in which case it does not seem like very much.

The HotWax documentation is primarily videos and they are extremely
informative, addressing every detail of the framework.  But videos are
not very useful for bed time reading :) or as a quick reference which
the book is better for.  Actually "reference" is not the correct term as
it does not list all the options for all the of different "DSL" (for
want of a better word) in the framework.  And there is a very handy
reference addressing just this with the HotWax documentation.

After watching the Hotwax videos I had found the order in which these
address the whole framework make it look quiet "easy" (or easier at
least :)) but the book approaches from the UI, then to the Services and
finally Entity engine.  I felt this made things a little more complex as
when starting with the UI you are using services & entity concepts which
you have not yet addressed.  Just my opinion though.

So as a good overview that brings all the relevant information to one
place I think the book is good, but for an exhaustive look at every
detail I found the videos great.


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