
In the catalog manager if you choose a product , you have a tab available in
the product management page for "associations".

There are different association types available.

The only one i think which works in version 4.0 is the following one:
- complementary or cross-sell
This one is therefore visible on the e-commerce screen when accessing the
meaned product.

The other types are:
- Accessory
- Actual product component
- Also bought
- Contient
- Engineering Bill of Materials
- Equivalent or substitute
- Est emballé dans
- Incompatable
- Manufacturing Bill of Materials
- New version, replacement
- Product manufactured as
- Product variant
- Revision
- Unique Item
- Upgrade or Up-Sell

I don't see any difference in the e-commerce screen when i try to use them.

Can anyone give me more information on how to use them or how to implement
them if they are not yet implemented in version 4.0 ?

Which ftl 's i have to look into and which .java files i have to look into
in order to further develop this functionality?


Heidi Dehaes

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