Rereading a previous post [], I believe
that LGPL would be compatible with OfBiz. Sorry for the noise.

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Milind Parikh <>wrote:

> I am very near to delivering ofBiz on Android. This would be native port
> (not just building web pages that could be visible on an Android Browser)
> because of certain requirements. [such as displaying customers that are near
> my current location through LBS]
> All mobile devices will require REST as opposed to SOAP bc of fundamental
> overhead of SOAP. Hence I am building a SOAP "proxy" through restlet. The
> REST API would look like [http://<server>/rest/customer/1/contact/1 ]
> etc... is LGPL 2.0, 3.0 and CDDL. Is LGPL
> compatible with OfBiz ? Or would this need to be another "plugin"?
> Regards
> -- Milind

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