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I ask this when it was first implemented.
it was designed to reset.
it would take a lot of rethink to not do this, from what I saw of the code.
However if you find a way besure to submit a patch, through a jira.

Florin Popa sent the following on 1/29/2009 10:28 AM:
> Hello,
> Please help me with the following issue described below.
> Problem :
> How to implement functionality to be able to stay on the same page after
> the
> user change language (http, https)
> Details:
> In order to be able to change the language and return to the same page the
> last user action before change language should be saved entirely to
> redirect
> the user back to it.
> What I tried was to keep the last url accessed before change language along
> with the parameters used (for reproducing entirely the last state before
> change language was accessed), and after change the language to redirect
> the
> user to this url.
> The problem appeared when for example you add an item to cart from a
> product
> page and the user is kept on the same page after the item is added. The
> last
> accessed url in this case was add to cart and after the user changes his
> language the response was redirected to the add to cart url.
> Another problem was that when you log into the application you enter in an
> https area and the url is created with https but the parameters from the
> last request are present in the url after redirect which is not desired.
> Thanks,
> Flopa
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