In general please understand that this is a community-driven mailing list, just a conversation among those who use or are interested in using OFBiz. Anyone can respond with anything they want.

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On Feb 19, 2009, at 10:41 PM, Jack Liu wrote:

Thank you for your patience!
I must admit that I have some difficulty to express this question.
Actually David's answers are totally different from yours.

-----Original Message-----
From: BJ Freeman []
Sent: 2009年2月20日 13:28
Subject: Re: Tricky! About fields in the form

Hash: SHA1

this was your first post.
this is what I have been trying to answer
it seems ever-time I answer you change directions and or requirements.
this does not show you understood ofbiz.
at this point I bow out.

Jack Liu sent the following on 2/16/2009 5:29 PM:
Hi, All
In my project, there are many protocols to set up.
For every protocol, it has many attributes.
All these protocols have been divided into several types according to
their usage.

For example
A type has attributes: ChlUrl, SupportedCharsets, ServerID
B type has attributes: InClientPull
C type has attributes: ChlUrl, SMRCustomerType, GMDChargingCurrency,
SupportedCharsets, ServerID

        <form name="A" type="single"
                <field name="ChlUrl"><text/></field>
                <field name="SupportedCharsets"><text/></field>
                <field name="ServerID"><text/></field>
                <field name="submitButton" title="Add Protocol">
                        <submit button-type="button"/>
        <form name="B" type="single"
                <field name="InClientPull"><text/></field>
                <field name="submitButton" title="Add Protocol">
                        <submit button-type="button"/>
        <form name="C" type="single"
                <field name="ChlUrl"><text/></field>
                <field name="SMRCustomerType"><text/></field>
                <field name="GMDChargingCurrency"><text/></field>
                <field name="SupportedCharsets"><text/></field>
                <field name="ServerID"><text/></field>
                <field name="submitButton" title="Add Protocol">
                        <submit button-type="button"/>

When setting up a protocol in a web page, first choose a type from
drop-down list, the web page show attributes relating to its type.
After filling in the attributes' value, submit the form and save all
these attribute-value pairs in the table protocolAttribute below.

        <service name=" createProtocolAttribute " engine="java"
location="com.xian.cmb.CmbServices" invoke="createProtocolAttribute">
                <attribute name="ChlUrl" mode="IN" type="String"
optional="true" />
                <attribute name="SupportedCharsets" mode="IN"
type="String" optional="true" />
                <attribute name="ServerID" mode="IN" type="String"
optional="true" />
                <attribute name="InClientPull" mode="IN" type="String"
optional="true" />
                <attribute name="SMRCustomerType" mode="IN"
type="String" optional="true" />
                <attribute name="GMDChargingCurrency" mode="IN"
type="String" optional="true" />

protocol: protocolid, protocolName.
protocolAttribute: id, protocolid, attribute, value.

With the progress of technology, the number of every protocol's
attributes is increasing.
So we need to modify the forms in the screens to add new fields and
services.xml file to add mode IN attributes, and java code to save newly
added attribute-value pairs.
Can OFBiz have solutions to deal with the CHANGE and When adding an
attribute, we needn't modify the form, services.xml and java source

Best Regards,

Jack Liu

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