Hello Sumit,
You are right, debit entry of sales tax is missing so how can I create this sales tax's entry into DB.

Thanks and Regards
Santosh Malviya

Sumit Pandit wrote:
Hello Santosh,

Here as per information provided you you, it looking like that 1 entry is 
missing in entity. It is a debit entry for sale tax for $10.

Also entry for #2 is correct, here we can understand it in very simple 
accounting concept. that amount $288 is credited in books against price of 10 
items($270) + shipping changes($5) + other adjustments($3) + sale tax(%10).

In very simple term ACCOUNT PAYABLE is refer to all parties to whom a business 
entity is require to pay against of product or service.

So total amount is credited in system against of all debit entries to balance the book in double entry system.

Thanks And Regards
Sumit Pandit

----- "Santosh Malviya" <santosh.malv...@hotwaxmedia.com> wrote:

| Hello David,
| I have done following :
| (1)At first I created a purchase order, approved the order, generated
| a | shipment, issued items, received items. Then in Accounting I edited | purchase invoice by adding new items like adding invoice sales tax and | | invoice shipping and handling. Here I added invoice sales tax(of unit | | price $10) and two invoice shipping and handling(one with the Gl | Account | Id and other without ) with override Gl Account Id = 516100 PURCHASE | ORDER ADJUSTMENTS and unit price of both and then I set "status to | ready". This generated 4 transaction entries which are follows : | | Credit; in account 210000 - "ACCOUNTS PAYABLE"; amount: 288$ | | (After adding all taxes and shipping charges) | Debit; in account 214000 - "UNINVOICED ITEM RECEIPTS"; | amount: | 270$ (Actual price of 10 items of WG-1111)
|          Debit; in account 510000 - "FREIGHT IN"; amount: 5$ (Shipping
| | invoice without Gl account Id) | Debit; in account 516100 - "PURCHASE ORDER ADJUSTMENTS"; | amount: 3$ (Shipping invoice with Gl account Id) | | (2) I was expecting here transaction entry of invoice sales tax while | | its tax was added into total price(ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, amount 288$).
| (3) Only four entries were there as a result of this invoice.
| | Thanks and Regards
| Santosh Malviya
| | David E Jones wrote:
| >
| > Santosh,
| >
| > I don't understand this question, and I'm not sure if others do | > either. For example, what do you mean by "when I add Invoice sales | > tax"? Where and how do you add it? Could you please rewrite this | > question in terms of:
| >
| > 1. what you did
| > 2. what you expected to happen
| > 3. what actually happened
| >
| > -David
| >
| >
| > On Feb 19, 2009, at 3:07 AM, Santosh Malviya wrote:
| >
| >> Sorry for inconvenience, my question should have been when I add | >> Invoice sales tax of unit price say $10 then I am unable to see its | | >> transaction entry while invoice shipping and handling entries are | >> there. Where this entry is done. Am I missing something?.
| >> Thanks in advance.
| >>
| >> Thanks & Regards
| >> Santosh Malviya
| >>
| >>
| >> Santosh Malviya wrote:
| >>> Hello all,
| >>> I have done it in my purchase invoice but not able to see it in my
| | >>> overall price while my invoice shipping and handling price added | >>> successfully.
| >>> Thanks in advance.
| >>>
| >>> Thanks & Regards
| >>> Santosh Malviya
| >>>
| >>
| >
| >

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