Hi Forum,

I've been struggling today to try and get an entity-view working with
conditional joins using release4.0.  I have given up and reverted to using a
plain SQL view.  Should I be able to do the following SQL as a view-entity?

Many thanks in advance...


create view vClearanceReport as
        insr.strIsrCompany, insr.strIsrBranch, insr.strIsrCode,
        upl.ingUplNumber, upl.strUplClaimNum,
        upl.strUplRegistration, upl.strLocation, upl.strUplCategory, 
        veh.dtmVehYear, veh.strVehVIN,
        vari.strMake, vari.strModel,
        DateDiff(dd,upl.dtmUplPickupDate,getdate()) days,
      when fpay.ingUpLift is not null then 'YES' else 'NO'
   end as Cleared,
      when fhld.ingUpLift is not null then 'YES' else 'NO'
   end as InsuranceHold,
        imgs.totalNumOfImages, imgs.numOfImagesCopiedToSSRS
        tblUplift AS upl 
        JOIN tblUpliftFlags AS flg ON (
                        upl.ingUplNumber=flg.ingUplift and flg.strFlag='Pay' 
and flg.blnAgreed=0
        JOIN tblVehicle AS veh ON (upl.ingUplNumber=veh.ingUpliftNumber)
        JOIN tblInsurer AS insr ON (upl.strUplInsurer=insr.strIsrCode)
        JOIN tblVariant AS vari ON (veh.ingVehicle=vari.ID)
        JOIN tblUpliftCharges AS uplChg ON 
        LEFT JOIN (
        select ingUpliftNumber, 
                max(ingImgNum)+1 as totalNumOfImages,
                count(isCopiedToReportServer) as numOfImagesCopiedToSSRS
        from tblVehicleImagesProcessLink 
        group by ingUpliftNumber
        ) AS imgs ON (upl.ingUplNumber=imgs.ingUpliftNumber)
    left join tblUpliftFlags fpay on (upl.ingUplNumber = fpay.ingUplift and
fpay.strFlag = 'Pay' and fpay.blnAgreed = 1)
    left join tblUpliftFlags fhld on (upl.ingUplNumber = fhld.ingUplift and
fhld.strFlag = 'InsuranceHold' and fhld.blnAgreed = 1)
        upl.dtmUplPickupDate Is Not Null And 
        upl.strUplStatus In ('Awaiting Uplift','Uplifted')
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