Hi Jacques,

Where can I type "-Duser.language=fr"
I tried into ${ofbiz dir}/rc.ofbiz

JAVA_VMOPTIONS="-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -Duser.language=fr"

Always my ecommerce pages are in English with an English browser



P.S. : my server is under Debian Etch, with the cron file "rc.ofbiz.for.debian" ofbiz doesn't start when I boot my server. When I restart ofbiz with this file, it works. With the file "rc.ofbiz" it works in both case.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
To: <user@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: Force language from a different locale

Hi Eric,

You will have to force the JVM using -Duser.language=en (there is lso -Duser.country=US for instance) This was used for another reason in OFBiz before (actually a kind of Sun's bug)


From: "Eric DE MAULDE" <eric...@free.fr>

I would like to force default language into ecommerce application,
even if the browser is setted with another language and translations into the browser's language are available.

For example, my browser is setted with English language,
I want to display pages into French (by default, without change language)



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