My guess is because Windows uses synchronous IO and Linux uses asynchronous IO. I'm no Windows expert so I don't know for sure, or if there is a way to improve performance on Windows.

Chances are by paying money for Windows Server or some sort of third- party commercial add-on the problem can be fixed. Sorry for that comment... I guess I'm a little jaded. Actually, with the mini-laptop I got last year I SO wanted Windows Vista to work well since it supports more in theory... but I'll admit I gave up after the 5th problem that I couldn't find a reasonable solution for... so now it's Ubuntu 9.04 running native and WinXP in VMWare for me...


On May 29, 2009, at 1:42 AM, Ashish Vijaywargiya wrote:

Hello David,

Would me more then happy to know your thoughts about such a big time
consumed on Windows machine?
I have the same experience with Windows box.

Thanks in advance.

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 12:46 PM, David E Jones <

What kind of hardware are you running this on?

I've heard of long build/install/run times on Windows because of the
synchronous IO, but usually on Linux it's not too bad. On my tiny laptop it takes about 30 minutes on Windows and about 5 minutes on Linux to do an "ant
run-install" from source code only (ie nothing pre-built).


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