Yes, I have the same problem till the mentioned book - issued; I was
starting in 2006.
I think million of people do not mind to spend a few dollars to get a new
book or documents
for  a complete step-by-step HOW-TO-all functions of OFBiz with REGULAR
update to save
time consuming - hundreds of hours??

- Charles TJ

-----Original Message-----
From: snowch []
Sent: 13 Juli 2009 4:45
Subject: Re: functional training

The file DemoOrganizationData.xml looks as though it will provide the
I am looking for.  Many thanks!  However the real problem is that learning
ofbiz end user functionality is time consuming due to the lack of

I found the same problem a few years back when learning technical
development of ofbiz.  In the end I gave up until Jonathon Wong's book was
recently released.  That book saved me hundreds of hours of trial and error
development.  I can now easily develop standalone ofbiz applications.
However, I am now struggling with utilizing the existing ofbiz

I think I will probably (reluctantly) end up moving to openbravo as my
development framework for ERP applications based on the availability of
their functional and developer training material (see

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