Is there a way to set the scale or round off value for products of type
Marketing Package: Auto Manufactured?
For example:
Given product *case* of type Finished Goods and product *bottle* of type
Marketing Package: Auto Manufactured,
and their association is *bottle *to *case *of type Manufacturing Bill of
Material with quantity 0.0833 (dozen bottles per case).
If I have 10 (QOH in Inventory) of product *case*, I got 120 (QOH from
Component) of product *bottle* (which is correct).
However if I removed one product *bottle*, then my QOH in Inventory of
product *case* is 9.92 (somewhat correct) and
QOH from Component of product *bottle* is 119.04 when it should be just 119.
Resulting inventory came from the service

Ian Tabangay

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