Hello Everyone,

I am new to Ofbiz and i have installed it on my system.

i have few queries, it will be nice if i can get some help / guide.

i want to change the look and feel of the site. like say i don't want to put
logo and want to put Advertisement in header or i would like to put search
box in header.
Like i don't want to show promotional stuff on top at home page. i want to
put them in middle and i would like to put some thing else over there.
also how i can decide what all will come in left and right? how i can change
the footer? how i can attach static pages ? how i can put those links in
header / footer?

Idea is how to do all this, how i can know which ftl file is for which page,
which tables are there for which purpose.

Plz guide me what is the best way to go about it.

Thanks in advance.

Abhijeet Pandey

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