Ruth, Scott
    The admin user login now lies in ecommerce component as demo data.
 After the introduction of ant target "create-admin-user-login" what I
remember is that seed data for admin user login was removed and for any ant
target (that installs data) other than run-install, you need to create admin
user login using the ant target introduced.  On the other hand in case of
run-install demo data for admin is present in ecommerce component, so you
need not to run the other ant target.  But in Ruth's case, since he
commented out special purpose applications, this demo data wasn't loaded and
he had to create admin user login using the ant target.

    The other thing is that, when you create admin user login using the ant
target Party record for admin is not created, that is when you see problems
such as one specified by Ruth about creating DataResource.  When a
DataResource is created the logged in party is associated to data resource
as its owner, but since admin user doesn't have any party the business
process fails.

Thanks & Regards
Mridul Pathak
Hotwax Media

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Scott Gray <>wrote:

> Hi Ruth
> For future reference it is much easier to help you diagnose a problem if
> you fully describe what changes you've made to the system.
> It sounds like there are dependencies on the special purpose applications
> in the base applications for the seed or demo data (hopefully only there)
> which is definitely a bug.  Could you create a jira issue for this?
> Thanks
> Scott
> On 7/09/2009, at 1:17 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>  Ok, I just verified that adding back specialpurpose & hot-deplay fixed all
>> my problems. After adding them back to my original working set and then
>> running an ant clean-data, ant run-install I was able to login to webtools (
>> http://localhost:8080/webtools) and go to the Content tab and add Data
>> Resource. No errors.
>> So, Scott and David (if you are listening), is this a problem of my
>> creation - that is taking out those two component directories is a "no no" -
>> or is this a problem with the demo/seed data that comes with the
>> distribution?
>> TIA
>> Ruth
>> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>> Hi Scott:
>>> Here is one way things break:
>>> 1) From a fresh download start up ofbiz (./ and try to
>>> login to webtools using admin/ofbiz <-- this works!
>>> 2) Comment out specialpurpose & hot-deploy in
>>> ~framework/base/config/component-load.xml
>>> 3) Run ant clean-data
>>> 4) Run ant run-install
>>> 5) ./ and try to login to webtools <-- get the "unable to
>>> login application" error
>>> Did I do something wrong? Isn't one suppose to be able to decouple
>>> specialpurpose & hot-deploy from the framework and still be able to use
>>> webtools?
>>> TIA
>>> Ruth
>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>> Hi Ruth
>>>> I just downloaded r809901, did an ant run-install without errors and was
>>>> able to login successfully.  Did you modify any of the files after
>>>> downloading?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Scott
>>>> HotWax Media
>>>> On 7/09/2009, at 10:32 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>  Makes sense. Shouldn't a fresh "ant run-install" with the download data
>>>>> make this all well again? I guess I'm wondering how it should work. Are 
>>>>> you
>>>>> saying there is something missing in the download that should be there and
>>>>> that what I'm experiencing is the result of a bad release?
>>>>> Or, are you saying that I am not following the right procedure for
>>>>> getting well. After all, all I'm trying to do is login to webtools and
>>>>> create a new DataResource as the admin user.
>>>>> TIA
>>>>> Ruth
>>>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>>>> It's really simple. Either you have the login credentials and
>>>>>> necessary permissions configured in the database or you don't. If you 
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> you can't login or access things that require permissions. If you've 
>>>>>> emptied
>>>>>> your database and there is an error loading data you need... then the 
>>>>>> data
>>>>>> you need isn't in there and that must be resolved first.
>>>>>> -David
>>>>>> On Sep 6, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>>  Hi David:
>>>>>>> From trunk version 809901 downloaded today/yesterday.
>>>>>>> This all started when I did an ant clean-data because I was testing
>>>>>>> and I wanted to start over with a clean database.
>>>>>>> After I did that, I couldn't login to webtools. I got the "unable to
>>>>>>> login application" error. So I tried to clean everything (ant 
>>>>>>> clean-all/ant
>>>>>>> run-install). I still couldn't login with admin/ofbiz. So I did the ant
>>>>>>> load-admin-user-login -D... after which I was able to login, but not 
>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>> the DataResource.
>>>>>>> TIA
>>>>>>> Ruth
>>>>>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>> Those look like two different things... but possibly related.
>>>>>>>> The first exception report you sent over was about a foreign key
>>>>>>>> violation that was part of importing the PartyDemoData.xml file. Based 
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> that it looks like there is some bad data in that file (ie someone put 
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> data in there in the wrong order).
>>>>>>>> After that you mentioned a login error, which could be caused by
>>>>>>>> missing data (ie data files that did not load successfully).
>>>>>>>> Which version/revision of OFBiz are you using?
>>>>>>>> -David
>>>>>>>> On Sep 6, 2009, at 3:44 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>>>>  Just in case it wasn't clear, when going to login to webtools using
>>>>>>>>> admin/ofbiz I got the following error message:
>>>>>>>>> "The Following Errors Occurred: unable to login this application"
>>>>>>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is getting frustrating
>>>>>>>>> to say the least.
>>>>>>>>> Ruth
>>>>>>>>> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello List:
>>>>>>>>>> What is going on? I couldn't login as admin/ofbiz so I clean data
>>>>>>>>>> and reinstall. Here's what I get on trunk version 809901, after ant
>>>>>>>>>> clean-all, ant run-install:
>>>>>>>>>> [java] 2009-09-06 17:29:57,994 (main) [
>>>>>>>>>> ] Beginning import from URL:
>>>>>>>>>> file:/Users/ruthhoffman/809901-trunk-2009-09-01/applications/party/data/PartyDemoData.xml
>>>>>>>>>> [java] 2009-09-06 17:29:57,995 (main) [
>>>>>>>>>> ] Transaction Timeout set to 2 hours 
>>>>>>>>>> (7200
>>>>>>>>>> seconds)
>>>>>>>>>> [java] 2009-09-06 17:29:58,096 (main) [
>>>>>>>>>> [java] ---- exception report
>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> [java] Failure in create operation for entity [PartyRole]:
>>>>>>>>>> org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException: Error while inserting:
>>>>>>>>>> [GenericEntity:PartyRole][createdStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:58.091(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:57.995(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:58.091(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:57.995(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,admin(java.lang.String)][roleTypeId,EMAIL_ADMIN(java.lang.String)]
>>>>>>>>>> (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO 
>>>>>>>>>> CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (INSERT 
>>>>>>>>>> on table
>>>>>>>>>> 'PARTY_ROLE' caused a violation of foreign key constraint 
>>>>>>>>>> 'PARTY_RLE_ROLE'
>>>>>>>>>> for key (EMAIL_ADMIN).  The statement has been rolled back.)). 
>>>>>>>>>> Rolling back
>>>>>>>>>> transaction.
>>>>>>>>>> [java] Exception: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException
>>>>>>>>>> [java] Message: Error while inserting:
>>>>>>>>>> [GenericEntity:PartyRole][createdStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:58.091(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:57.995(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:58.091(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2009-09-06
>>>>>>>>>> 17:29:57.995(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,admin(java.lang.String)][roleTypeId,EMAIL_ADMIN(java.lang.String)]
>>>>>>>>>> (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO 
>>>>>>>>>> CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (INSERT 
>>>>>>>>>> on table
>>>>>>>>>> 'PARTY_ROLE' caused a violation of foreign key constraint 
>>>>>>>>>> 'PARTY_RLE_ROLE'
>>>>>>>>>> for key (EMAIL_ADMIN).  The statement has been rolled back.))......
>>>>>>>>>> lots more errors....
>>>>>>>>>> Ruth

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