Thanks Carsten for your work points


From: "Carsten Schinzer" <>

Well, if it is that important: A shop per language
But then: Only one single default language is possible for the setup. I'd
rather go with different URLs for your shop and mount ecommerce at root. The
single defaultlocale issue will remain.

Then, next idea, you could engage an apache with mod_rewrite to do a rewrite
specifying the ?lang=xx parameter on the url to the /ecommerce, so the URLs
go to Apache and are rewritten to be translated. Thats how my larger
business customers (Online Travel Agencies) do this using a single
application with multi lang.

Or you mount ecommerce (which is pretty i18n ready allready as a term IMHO)
at another i18n-term e.g. /shop.

Hope this gives some ideas.



2009/9/11 Eric DE MAULDE <>


Does somebody know a possibility to internationalize (translate) a mount
point for an ecommerce webapp ?
It's better for SEO





Carsten Schinzer

Waisenhausstr. 53a
80637 München

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