Hi Jacques and list,  

After playing for almost 2 weeks with the entity sync feature I've come
up with the conclusion that it still needs
some work to get ready for production environment. Currently it is
unreliable, and useless :( 

- There is a bug in the design. The MCS remembers the sync status and
currently reached sync timestamp for each client. 
This is not a good approach imho. Why ?  
The client asks the server: have you got something for me ? Next: The
MCS checks the last successful sync timestamp for that particular client
and selects the entities that should be passed to the client. After
successfully transferring the entities to the client over RMI the MCS
assumes that the sync is successful and updates the last successful sync

The problem is that the client does not confirm the success of the
operation. If for some reason the client is unable to update the
entities ( either shutdown, 
power failure, DB error or whatever ) the MCS  isn't aware of that and
the next sync will not include the missed entities. There is no way to
fix the skipped
entities but re-creating the client's database  from zero. 

That is the main issue actually. It could be easily solved however. The
most easy ways are: 
1) The client will remember the sync timestamp and will include it as an
argument when asking the server for pull sync. This way the client will 
update the last successful sync timestamp after storing each entity. The
server does not have to remember anything regarding the client's sync

2) After each sync session the server will wait for confirmation from
the client before updating the last successful  sync timestamp. 
If not updated than the sync process is considered to be unsuccessful
and the timestamp will not be updated. 

I personally prefer approach 1) as in case of network error, power
failure or whatever error the sync process will continue from the place
it has stopped. 

- There are some swallowed exceptions. If a network problem occurs
during the sync process the server's status remains "sync running" and
the client is
not able to sync anymore until the status is reset by an operator. 

- The last issue is the performance. Using RMI is an easy approach from
developer's perspective but it is very very slow. 
I had a database with 5000 products. The initial sync took about 2
hours. The hardware is pretty good, the network connection between the
MCS and the client ofbiz 
is about 50 mbits. What if we have 100 000 sales per day ? The sync
process will take probably the entire night :)  
Here I would suggest transferring GenericEntity instances over RMI to be
removed. Instead a regular XML could be used. Either over RMI or SOAP -
does not matter. 

So in general the picture would be: 

1) Server does not remember any timestamp for any client. 
2) Client calls the pull entity sync RMI ( or soap ) method and passes
the entity sync ID  and the timestamp of the last successful sync as
arguments. Including the timezone of course :) 
3) The server generates an XML file for all the entities in that entity
sync  group using the timestamp provided by the client. 
4) Client starts updating the entities described in the received XML
line by line. After each entity is updated successfully the timestamp is
also updated ( on the client side  - the 
server does not remember any client timestamps ).
5) If a failure occurs in the middle of the update process what we'll
have is a sync process completed to like 50%. With the correct
timestamp. When the next sync
job starts the client will use the timestamp and the server will
generate a new XML from the place the sync has failed. Of course an
optimization could be used - 
the XML will be stored in a new db table so the client can continue
storing the entities without asking the server to generate something he
has already done.

Some improvements that could be also useful: 
1) The client ofbiz instances have sequence-id-prefix. So when the
server is accepting push syncs it could also check the prefixes of the
PKs and disallow entities without the correct
prefix in the primary key. That's just a cheap insurance against
errors :) We don't want store A to make sales on behalf of store B just
because somebody made an error while configuring the
pos ofbiz instance. 

2) A time synchronization mechanism could be also implemented. In
general when syncing there is a requirement that the server's and
client's clocks are in sync ( ntp ). We don't want
to set the system clock in ofbiz, but we could implement a check if the
clocks are in sync and refuse to start the synchronization in certain

3) A new column could be added to all the entities: isFromEntitySync :
flag. This way we could avoid cases in which the client is trying to
push records to the server which were 
actually pulled by the server.  Yes, I know the entity's created
timestamp should help us avoid such cases, but when the sync process is
interrupted things like that could happen. 

Otherwise for our current project we've implemented a DB level
synchronization - using triggers for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE and a
stored procedure which syncs the clients with a MCS.
It works much ( tens of times ) faster than ofbiz entity sync . But it
is DB dependent. So after getting comments and suggestions to this
e-mail I would like to invest some time in 
fixing all those issues with the ofbiz entity sync and switch to it when
it's ready :)

Thanks for your time, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
Reply-to: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: EntitySync RMI error
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 17:02:57 +0200

Hi Deyan,

It would be very valuable if you could post an article on wiki about your 
experience with this. Don't worry about where to put it, I 
will eventually take care to put it under FAQ...



From: "Deyan Tsvetanov" <deyan.tsveta...@ittconsult.com>
>I found an issue though:
> If the connection gets dropped during sync :
> - the client ( POS ) prints connection reset by peer
> - the server ( MCS ) sync status remains to running.
> - the next sync does not start because MCS complains there is another
> sync running already.
> "Reset run status" from webtools -> entity sync status
> helps.
> I'll investigate further and log a bug, although the solution seems
> pretty simple - looks like a swallowed  IOException,
> which should be handled by re-setting the sync status.
> CHeers,
> DEyan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deyan Tsvetanov <deyan.tsveta...@ittconsult.com>
> Reply-to: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> Subject: Re: EntitySync RMI error
> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 11:22:55 +0300
> Got it !
> Seems that the previous exception was coming from the MCS ( server ) .
> When I stopped the server I started getting the exception I kind of like
> more :)
> Message: Exception calling remote pull and report EntitySync service
> with name: remotePullAndReportEntitySyncDataRmi; org.ofbiz.service.Gene
> ricServiceException: RMI Error (Connection refused to host:
>; nested exception is:
>        java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect)
> So the problem was at the server side - RMIIF env var in startofbiz.sh
> wasn't set , so ofbiz was trying to get RMI host IP by resolving the
> hostname .
> The misleading things for me was that:
> 1) no any sign in the MCS logs that somebody is trying to connect and
> the MCS itself can not connect to its own RMI registry.
> 2) no any difference in the exceptions text on the POS ( client ) side:
> the 2 exceptions ( local one - can not connect to  and the
> remote one - can not connect to )
> look the same :)
> So issue is solved,
> sorry for bothering :)
> -- deyan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deyan Tsvetanov <deyan.tsveta...@ittconsult.com>
> Reply-to: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> Subject: Re: EntitySync RMI error
> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 09:52:55 +0300
> During startup I get:
> 2009-09-26 08:46:31,905 (default-invoker-Thread-10) [
> AbstractEngine.java:73 :INFO ] Loaded Service Locations :
> [main-rmi=rmi://127.0.0.
> 1:1099/RMIDispatcher,
> main-http=,
> entity-sync-rmi=rmi://,
> entity-sync-http=,
> rita-rmi=rmi://, eedcc-test=http://127.
> 0.0.1:8080/webtools/control/httpService]
> entity-sync-rmi  seems to be ok ...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deyan Tsvetanov <deyan.tsveta...@ittconsult.com>
> Reply-to: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> Subject: EntitySync RMI error
> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 09:22:23 +0300
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to configure RMI entity sync. I'm following
> http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBIZ/Sync+Setup+Notes+and+Example
> What I've done so far:
> 1) entity-sync-rmi  to rmi://
> 2) set RMIIF=-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=
> ( as per the example ).
> 3) I've imported the entity sync groups, SandJobs, etc.
> However when the sync starts ( on the POS instance ) I get the following
> error:
> Exception calling remote pull and report EntitySync service with name:
> remotePullAndReportEntitySyncDataRmi; org.ofbiz.service.GenericServic
> eException: RMI Invocation Error (Connection refused to host:;
> nested exception is:
>        java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect)
> Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
> Message: RMI Invocation Error (Connection refused to host:;
> nested exception is:
>        java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect)
> ---- cause
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Exception: java.rmi.ConnectException
> Message: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
>        java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
> ---- cause
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Exception: java.net.ConnectException
> Message: Connection refused: connect
> ---- stack trace
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> It insists connecting to no matter what I  type in
> serviceengine.xml.
> Any help would be appreciated :)
> Thanks in advance,
> Deyan

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