Hi Chris,

It is a list/result of multiple table joins.

I have requirement of displaying both aggregated (summed) values as well as
to display the detail (unsummed) records.

I have little idea to get detail/unsummed record as list using <form
type=list>. But I do not have any clue how to use sum(column name) with the
java delegator.

I have following simple Query - SELECT with WHERE clause. But I need to have
SUM(OTCMAdjustmentAmount). (Here OrderAndTax is a view-entity created using
two other view-entities.)

List fieldsToSelect = UtilMisc.toList("OTCMAdjustmentAmount");
                EntityConditionList whereConditions = new
                    new EntityExpr("OTCMOrderNo", EntityOperator.EQUALS,
                    new EntityExpr("OTCMAdjustmentAmountType",
EntityOperator.EQUALS, "SALES_TAX")                    
                  ), EntityOperator.AND); 
                orderTaxObject = delegator.findByCondition("OrderAndTax",
whereConditions, null, fieldsToSelect, null, null); 

I really appreciate your help.

Thank you.

Chris Snow-3 wrote:
> Hi Su,  how are you using the returned data? Is it a table list, or just 
> a single form?
> If it is a list, do you want to display just the aggregated (summed) 
> values, or do you want to display the detail (unsummed) records too?
> su2 wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Thank you for the response.
>> My query has multiple joins with different tables and also I would like
>> to
>> use sum(column name) and (column 1 + column 2) as column 3.
>> Is it possible to use sum(column name) in java method with delegator?
>> Also, the stored procedure I want to use in jasper report.
>> Thank you for the help.
>> Su-
>> Chris Snow-3 wrote:
>>> Hi Su,
>>> I use SQL Views for complex queries:
>>>     <entity entity-name="ClearanceReport"
>>>             table-name="vClearanceReport"
>>>             package-name="uk.co.dhales"
>>>             title="Clearance Report Entity"
>>>             no-auto-stamp="true"
>>>             never-cache="true"           
>>>             >
>>>         <field name="strIsrCompany" col-name="strIsrCompany" 
>>> type="long-varchar"/>
>>>         <field name="strIsrBranch" col-name="strIsrBranch" 
>>> type="long-varchar"/>
>>>         <field name="strIsrCode" col-name="strIsrCode"
>>> type="long-varchar"/>
>>>         <field name="ingUplNumber" col-name="ingUplNumber"
>>> type="numeric"/>
>>>         ...
>>>         <prim-key field="ingUplNumber"/>
>>>     </entity>
>>> The table name vClearanceReport is actually a SQL View. The attributes 
>>> no-auto-stamp and never-cache where needed.
>>> Also, here is a service that is using a SQL Stored procedure:
>>> public class DHSequenceService {
>>>     public static Map getNextSequenceValue(DispatchContext ctx, Map 
>>> context) {
>>>         Connection conn = null;
>>>         CallableStatement statement = null;
>>>         String sql = "{call getNextSequenceValue(?,?)}";
>>>         Long seqValue;
>>>         try{
>>>                 conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection("dhmssql");
>>>                 if (conn == null) {
>>>                         throw new Exception("No dhmssql connection 
>>> configured");
>>>                 }
>>>                 statement = conn.prepareCall (sql);
>>>                 String seqTable = (String)context.get("seqTable");
>>>                 statement.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
>>>                 statement.setString(2,  seqTable);
>>>                 statement.execute();
>>>                 seqValue = new Long(statement.getLong(1));
>>>                 statement.close();
>>>         } catch (Exception e){
>>>                 Debug.logError(e, "Error running SQL - ", 
>>> DHSequenceService.class.getName());
>>>                 return ServiceUtil.returnError("Error running SQL" + e);
>>>         }
>>>         finally {
>>>                 if (statement != null)
>>>                         try {
>>>                                 statement.close();
>>>                         } catch (Exception e) {}
>>>                 if (conn != null)
>>>                         try {
>>>                                 conn.close();
>>>                         } catch (Exception e) {}
>>>         }
>>>         Map resultMap = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
>>>         resultMap.put("seqValue", seqValue);
>>>         return resultMap;
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> Note that by using SQL Views/Stored Procedures you are limiting the 
>>> portability of your application to other databases.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chris
>>> su2 wrote:
>>>> Hello Friends,
>>>> I need to write quite complex query which is little easier to write as
>>>> Stored Procedures. So I would like to know whether is it possible to
>>>> write
>>>> and access stored procedures in OFBiz with mySQL?
>>>> If its possible, can i have example or reference for how to do that ?
>>>> Thank you for the help in advance.
>>>> Su-

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