There is a scheduled service that takes care of it, something like retryFailedAuths. You should see an entry for it in Webtools -> Service Engine Tools -> Job List


HotWax Media

On 9/10/2009, at 12:58 AM, Simon Hutchinson wrote:

Hi all,

I have set my store to retry failed authorisations by setting retryFailedAuths="Y".

This works fine i.e when I force an error with communicating to the payment gateway then the order is confirmed but with a message presented that (in my case) read "Problem connecting to payment processor; we will continue to retry and notify you by email."

What I would like to know is whether there is a job of some kind that will automatically re-try such failed payments (if so could someone tell me where this code lives) or whether it is up to me to manually re-try the payment.

Hope this makes sense.
Kind Regards

Simon Hutchinson

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