That isn't a fix, it's just hiding the problem.


HotWax Media

On 9/10/2009, at 9:10 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Fixed at 823301
I recommend other languages to do the same : a shorter string


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
Hi Vikas,

Sorry, I just realise that this problem appears (and appeared) in French but not in English. It's because [One Page Checkout] translate in French to [Paiement sur une seule page] which is slightly but enough longer to make a shift.


From: "Vikas Mayur" <>
Hi Jacques,

I think this should be fixed by rev. 819894

On Sep 12, 2009, at 8:28 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


From: "Vikas Mayur" <>
Hi Jacques,
comments inline.
On Sep 12, 2009, at 6:20 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I just tried and I suspect the test for Paypal is > 1.
and item total > 0 as well. There are certain products that have adjustments and if you add them they still do not add anything to the total. As said earlier I will look into the issue but I would not be able to test this on each and every browser you mentioned :)

I don't expect you to test them all ;o) Anyway they show all the same behaviour so it's a general issue.


I tried with round Gizmo only (you get 0.38 $US) and no Paypal but a Google button. If I add Tiny Chrome Widget I can see Paypal but on Windows XP +FF3.5 it encroachs the title, same on Opera, Chrome, Safari and IE8



From: "Vikas Mayur" <>
Hi Jacques,

The PayPal image is displayed as soon as there is an item in the cart & cart total is greater then Zero.

Similarly Google Checkout image is displayed only when there is an item in the cart.

There is an issue at this moment when the disabled text for PayPal and Google Checkout is not displayed, I will look into that.

I hope you would get expected results excluding the text thing.


On Sep 12, 2009, at 3:03 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Actually I'm not sure why (I tried many times, maybe the cache), but now FF3.5 is the same than the others (this was weird) I did not look into code, but the HTML source has not paypal string in.


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: PayPal button on Ecommerce

Hi Vikas,
Our messages crossed on the net somewhere :o)
FF3.5 I can't see PayPal, Google encroach title bar
IE8 I can't see PayPal, Google OK
Opera I can't see PayPal, Google OK
Chrome I can't see PayPal, Google OK
Safari I can't see PayPal, Google OK
Did not look on Linux yet
From: "Vikas Mayur" <>
Hi Jacques,
This was caused by recent changes to the template structure as there is an effort going on to clean up HTML in ecommerce. However this should be fixed in rev. 813763
Please let us know if you still see these issues.
Note: As part of this commit, you will also see Google Chekout image.
On Sep 10, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
As soon as you have something in the cart, It seems that we have a problem on how shows the PayPal button on Ecommerce pages.
I  tried XP and FF3.5/Opera

Are you also experiencing the same problem ? Could it be recent changes (I believe it was showing correctly some days ago) ?


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