Please note that what Ruth and BJ are mentioning here James is likely the preferred way to do this. The Good Identifiers is the way I'd push the client nowadays, but they do like this info in their IDs, so no need to push.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Oct 16, 2009, at 3:56 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

data model book uses Good Ident to define product Ids
see page 75 of volume I Product Identification codes.
also note that ofbiz uses product.internaName VARCHAR(255) for display
and searches.
this leave the productID free to just be internally for Database
relationships. Note ProductID is part of the primary key so there are
limitations to the index for certain databases. One of the reasons not
to change it.

You will find Data Model Handbook vol I invaluable to the Data modeling
of ofbiz, even though some liberties have been taken. I also recommend
vol II

James McGill sent the following on 10/16/2009 1:18 PM:
Product identifiers in our industry are commonly longer than 20 characters. id and id-ne fields are defined as 20 character fields for all the databases
I have looked at, and there seems to be some tight binding to the 20
character length in forms and screen templates. We are wondering how much work we would need to do, in order to change Product id's to id- longs. That sounds pretty big at first glance, since there is so much going on with Product in so many applications. Another option would be to standardize some kind of SKU and cross reference that to a domain-specific product ID
but that would be much less convenient for the users.

Please advise.

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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