
Very few things are ever not an option, but just because someone turns up on the mailing list out of nowhere and proposes something vague doesn't mean that it is suddenly a valid idea that everyone should take seriously. OFBiz like every other apache project is a meritocracy, the people in "control" are the people who actually get things done for the project.


On 13/11/2009, at 11:53 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:

Also, there's the security issues of having code running that isn't required.

Anyway, I get the picture. A modular ofbiz is not an option! People in control like ofbiz just the way it is - it suits their business model.

No, you didn't get the picture, at all.
Please read the messages carefully and try to understand them before attributing to others concepts that they don't expressed.
And I am not in control of OFBiz...


Great, so a modular ofbiz IS an option?

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