
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Please see my comments below.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:50 AM, Mridul Pathak
<> wrote:
> Al,
>    Please find my comments inline.
> On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Al Byers <>wrote:
>> 1. Why isn't it in mime-type.xml and where does mime-type.xml get used?
> mime-type.xml is specifically used by CatalinaContainer to configure mime
> types in web application context.
>> 2. I call createDataResource and print out the value of DataResource
>> and it contains "video/x-flv" in the mimeTypeId, but in the next
>> service, the value is set to "application/octet-stream" and I cannot
>> find the seca that changes it. The console.log shows other secas
>> getting called, but nothing that could set this value.
> If you don't pass mimeTypeId to createDataResource service as an IN
> parameter, the service itself calls DataResourceWorker.getMimeType() method
> inline to set the mime type of that data resource.  The
> DataResourceWorker.getMimeType() uses FileExtension entity to get the mime
> type based on the extension of the uploaded file.  If FileExtension entity
> do not contain the mapping for that particular extension, the default is set
> to "application/octet-stream".
> This leaves us with a question here, what extension does the file you are
> uploading have?  FileExtension entity of course don't have a mapping for
> that extension which is the reason you are seeing this behavior.

Mridul, I did set the mimeTypeId, so it was not using getMimeType().
But the file extension that I am using is "flv", which is in the
FileExtension table, so it should have found it anyway.  I am pretty
sure that it is setting the mimeTypeId of DataResource as I added a
log op to the service right before it creates the entity, but it is
getting changed somewhere. This does not happen if i send it a "swf"
file - that is why I wondered if it was tied to the mime-type.xml
file. But i added it there and it did not seem to make a difference.

>> Can anyone help me on this?
>> Thanks,
>> -Al
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Mridul Pathak
> Hotwax Media
> -------------------------------------------------
> direct: +91 - 942.592.6892

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