Yes, yearly sounds reasonnable (I guess we will not slow the pace)


From: "Anil Patel" <>
Its good to know that people have interest in release version. Lots of new features were added since last release, It will be good to do next one in April 2010.

Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel
HotWax Media Inc
Find us on the web at or Google Keyword "ofbiz"

On Dec 14, 2009, at 8:17 PM, David E Jones wrote:

There is no set date yet. The last release was in April 2009 (hence the version number of 09.04 on it), and the one before that was about 2 years before. Chances are it won't be another 2 years before another release, but probably at least a year... so perhaps we'll do another release branch in around 4 months.


On Dec 14, 2009, at 3:37 PM, Juan Pablo wrote:

Hello Community.

I'm testing the last trunk version and the demo version published in
Internet ( They've got new functionality: help on
line, new themes, new features in accounting, manufacturing and ordermgr
components. The last stable versión is actually 9.04. So, ¿When will Ofbiz
try a new stable release version?.

Gracias/Thank You.

Juan Pablo

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