Hi Patrick:
You could purchase and read my 2 books. (http://www.myofbiz.com) They explain OFBiz ecommerce from an end-user's point of view. What you get OOTB. Once you understand what comes with OFBiz, it makes it much easier to customize. Some other people have found these useful.

As for a SQL interface, try the Webtool Entity Reference - Interactive Version. There is also some information floating around about how to use Eclipse and another 3rd party tool (can't remember the name) to view the Derby database. Personally, I find the Webtools reference is really useful.

Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"

Patrick wrote:
I've gone through all the tutorials.  What do you think I should do to
get a handle on the e-commerce customization?
Also is there an interface to look at the SQL tables, something like
phpMyAdmin?   Thanks Patrick

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