select the branch or trunk and drill down to

Florin Popa sent the following on 2/11/2010 4:09 PM:
> Hello,
> Is it any newer version of
> ?
> from here
> <inline-jdbc
>                jdbc-driver="org.postgresql.Driver"
> jdbc-uri="jdbc:postgresql://"
>                jdbc-username="platinshop"
>                jdbc-password="pl4t1nshop"
>                isolation-level="ReadCommitted"
>                pool-minsize="2"
>                pool-maxsize="250"/>
> I can not find in the document pool-minsize
> First crashes are
> Could not commit transaction:
> org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.GenericTransactionException: Roll back
> error (with no rollbackOnly cause found), could not commit transaction,
> was rolled back instead: javax.transaction.RollbackException:
> Transaction timeout (Transaction timeout)
>  and then finally (needs restart ):
> org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException: Unable to esablish a
> connection with the database. (Unable to acquire a new connection from
> the pool)
> thanks.
> Florin

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