Hello Anil:

How about a recent thread called "Rethinking our release strategy" dated Feb 15th, 2010 which I shall partially repeat here for your convenience:

    > * because of this, no real maintenance plan, test strategy etc..
   has been created around it (9.04) from the community of users and
   interested parties (in fact we were not really able to officially
   release it)

    > * a lot of new users start eveluating OFBiz from that instead of
   the trunk
    > * it is rather old, several new features are missing and also
   code improvements (that could fix bugs etc)
> I thought all the bug fixes were retrofitted to the release? Is this not
    > * because of this, it tends to be less stable than the trunk
> How could the release be less stable than the trunk if bug fixes are
   applied to the release and the trunk?
    > The main cons of this situations are the following:
    > 1) not real interest in maintaining a release branch means that
   we will not be able to spend time on it and officially release it:
   the OFBiz community will miss the advantage of using the marketing
   channel represented by a new release
    > 2) new users will get the wrong impression that the project is
   slowing improving if they just get the releases

For a true sense of the thread, please see this quote in context. I'll give you a hint, no one from the project came out and said that bug fixes are applied to Releases. The implication (and thus non-statement) is that the "trunk" is it as far as bug fixes are concerned.


Anil Patel wrote:
I don't know which statement are you talking about. Can you please put that statement or non-statement here for ready reference?
Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel
HotWax Media Inc
Find us on the web at www.hotwaxmedia.com or Google Keyword "ofbiz"

On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Doesn't this contradict previous statements or non-statements about bug fixes 
in Release 9.04?

David E Jones wrote:
One quick thing to note, that seems to be confused here: the release branch is 
a tool for stabilization. It's great to do testing and fixing in the trunk, but 
the goal for a release branch is not to be tested and bug-free from day one, 
but rather to be stable so that real testing and bug fixing can be done in the 
release branch without worrying about new things possibly breaking something, 
or any other conflicting priorities.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Anil Patel wrote:

Makes sense to me. If we are decided on date, we still have a month to go. 
Gives plenty of time, may be :)

Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel
HotWax Media Inc
Find us on the web at www.hotwaxmedia.com or Google Keyword "ofbiz"

On Feb 23, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

It would be nice to get the new security code included in the branch - even if 
it is disabled. That will give release users an introduction to it and give 
them a chance to work on an upgrade strategy.


Anil Patel wrote:
So, are we set for next Ofbiz Branch named 10.04 ?
If we decide on _date_, I can have a team of developers scheduled to start 
testing branch code. This will allow to quickly stabilize ofbiz release for 
common ecommerce use.
How about EOD March 31st 10 GMT?
Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel
HotWax Media Inc
Find us on the web at www.hotwaxmedia.com or Google Keyword "ofbiz"
On Feb 15, 2010, at 6:40 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
I agree but after Jacopo's message on dev ML about new release strategy (on 
which I mostly agree) I will at least delay it...


From: "Bruno Busco" <bruno.bu...@gmail.com>
In order to have this kind of issue scheduling could you please create
a new OFBIZ version in jira and set the Fix Version of these issue on
I do not see any clearer way to answer to Ashish question.


2010/2/15 Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>:
I expect to fulfill
and maybe

In other word to use layer lookups instead of popup lookups everywhere it's
possible in OFBiz.
From my 1st serie of tests it seems to work well almost everywhere, WIP...


From: "Ashish Vijaywargiya" <vijaywargiya.ash...@gmail.com>
I think its time to start thinking on the things that should be taken
care in / before release branch 10.04.

Bug fixing should be the major area which should be taken care
extensively in next two months.
What about new features etc. etc.?

Please comment.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:47 AM, David E Jones <d...@me.com> wrote:
There is no set date yet. The last release was in April 2009 (hence the
version number of 09.04 on it), and the one before that was about 2 years
before. Chances are it won't be another 2 years before another release, but
probably at least a year... so perhaps we'll do another release branch in
around 4 months.


On Dec 14, 2009, at 3:37 PM, Juan Pablo wrote:

Hello Community.

I'm testing the last trunk version and the demo version published in
Internet (http://demo.ofbiz.org). They've got new functionality: help on
line, new themes, new features in accounting, manufacturing and ordermgr
components. The last stable versión is actually 9.04. So, ¿When will
try a new stable release version?.

Gracias/Thank You.

Juan Pablo

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