I am for standalone framework. David has been working on that project
for a while, if I remember correctly.

#2 bothers me though. The design of ofbiz was that the entity was the
controlling factor for creating DB and UI. I was one of the major
reasons I came to ofbiz.
That said, any work that wants to be done on UI integration that makes
ofbiz look classy, I think should be the focus.
A lot of work has been done in that area.
But integrating other UI interfaces that keep the design idea of the
entity being to controlling focus is what I would like to see.

I don't see ofbiz being object oriented in the normal sense.

I see the effort for the help files and a easily understood UI from the
user point of view being the main factors in promoting ofbiz.

Chris Snow sent the following on 2/24/2010 10:47 PM:
> Here are some benefits of a 10.04 standalone framework release:
> 1) Standalone framework users would be a form of quality control helping
> to ensure more incorrect dependencies don't find there way into ofbiz.
> 2) we would be able to promote the framework in its own right thus
> competing with OpenERP's OpenObject platform
> 3) a much larger potential user base than ecommerce or erp users.
> Any more that I have missed?

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