Hi David:
Changes to the Service Engine: the SECAs. I've had problems with the serial nature of SECAs. Maybe I don't fully understand how they work, but perhaps a graphical tool that takes an SECA chain, and draws each participating Service?

And yes, the whole XML thing bothers me. But, that is just one of my idiosyncrasies. IMHO, XML is great for defining data. Not for writing procedures and instructions on how to do things. Programming languages are much better at that.

Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"

David E Jones wrote:
If you could change anything about the logic tier in OFBiz (basically the 
Service Engine, services written in simple-methods and Java; also less formal 
logic like the many *Worker and *Helper classes), what would you change?

All comments are welcome. If there is another tool you'd like to see used instead of the Service Engine, 
please describe what you like about it (like "I prefer the freedom of unrestricted Java or Groovy 
instead of more restrictive servers" or "I like groovy a lot more than simple-methods because 
groovy is so much prettier") instead of just mentioning the tool (like "let's use groovy for 
everything like Grails does!").

Why am I asking? This topic comes up every once in a while, and it's true that 
many suggestions never get enough support to actually happen (or on further 
research it is decided that the idea is not tenable), but brainstorming about 
them to get ideas in the open is still a great thing. The history of OFBiz is 
full of things like this where users and more casual contributors had ideas and 
saw possibilities that others, even more involved contributors, totally missed 
or never looked at that way. What I think would be fun, and ultimately useful 
too, is to keep this mostly to brainstorming and not do too much comparing of 

BTW, if you want to brainstorm about another tier (ie the Data or UI tiers) please use 
the other threads on those. If you'd like to discuss things that aren't specific to a 
tier look for the "General" thread.


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