At least tonight (here GMT+1) ideascale is quicker...


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
I have created

Looks like almost the same to me.
We may create more if needed, or completly forget the idea...


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
OK and now, who will follow all this suggestions (in short, mid and long terms) 
and how?
We really need to use a tool I guess...


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
Link for


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
I wonder if we could not use one of the tools below to better organize and keep traces of demands. This has been suggested on Opentaps forum and I think it's a good idea. For the moment we kept things in but it's far from optimal

* UserVoice -
* IdeaScale -

UserVoice seems the most popular system by far.  They have a free and discounted
version for open source projects.

Ideascale is newer, but they seem to offer better tools for collaboratively
writing feature requests.

**Open source**

* CNProg -
* Ubuntu BrainStorm -

Ubuntu Brainstorm is based on Drupal.  I'm not aware of anyone using it other
than Ubuntu.

CNProg is really interesting, but it's not meant for feature requests altho
you could kind of adapt it for that purpose.  CNProg is an open source clone
of StackOverflow.  It's focused on FAQs where you vote on the most popular FAQs.
However, if you just turned the world "question" into "idea" you could probably
use it to manage feature requests too.

**Other options**

* use the
It seems like a lot of projects benefit from this concept combined with 
sponsored development.
BTW I already suggested on dev ML to use well known Bouties and (my idea) 
Revert Bounties for sponsored developments.

I have not reviewed the tools myself (as I said I just/mostly copied this from a message on Opentaps forum) but if we are interested I/we could give my/our opininon(s) I'm quite sure we could get more interesting and better organized ideas from such a tool. I guess we could install it (for instance Ubuntu Brainstorm) on our vm, maybe with the help of infra...


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