We have 3 stores, and the requirement is when a customers registers on any
one of the 3 stores, and if the customer again registers on any one of the
other 2 stores, we want to have a check that if the customer is already
registered with any one of the other 2 stores so that on new customer
registration page we can display customer the message that if he has
registration on store1 then he can use the same userid/password for this
store too.

This way we will be able to minimise the no. of users because the same id
can be used across all the stores, and also it will solve the issue when
instead of having any user id, which the user creates, you are using email
id for user id, otherwise incase of using email id for user id field, the
user will need to create 3 email id's for 3 stores.

We can have a UserStoreAssoc table which will have userid & product store id
mapping, so that we can check if the user has already registered with any
other stores. During user registration we can create a record in this table.

- Abdullah

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