Hi Jeroen,

There was a problem with server. I restarted it and it should work fine now.



On 16/04/10 13:14, Jeroen van der Wal wrote:
Hi Raj, the link returns a blank screen and a Javascript error. I
tested it in IE and Firefox.


On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Raj Saini<rajsa...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Those who want to peek into running example without installing the
application, here is the link:




On 16/04/10 01:51, Raj Saini wrote:


I have been working on OSGi and OFBiz integration for a while. I could
successfully, run the OFBiz framework (entity engine and service engine) as
OSGi services. With this integration it is possible to run Framework only
OFBiz and use the OFBiz service engine for non form widget applications
(e.g. GWT, JSF etc). This should be interesting for people wanting to use
the service engine and entity engine.

For my experiment I have  Eclipse RAP (http://www.eclipse.org/rap) for
presentation layer and ported the part of Example application. My RAP
example application is using OFBiz entity engine to fetch some of the data
and service engine to create and update the examples.

I have uploaded the installable bundle at SF and it is available at


Platform - Current distribution works only on Linux (x86_64) systems. This
restriction is due to the executable including in the distribution. It
should be possible to run it using java -jar command but it will need some
configuration which is not ready yet.

Database - PostgreSQL DB server with database named 'ofbiz' and owned by
user 'ofbiz' and password 'ofbiz'.  It is possible to use other databases
but there are not JDBC driver bundles yet. Database server must be running
on localhost. It is possible to use the server running on other hosts but it
will need the change in entityengine.xml.

Demo data - OFBiz demo data loaded in the database as I am using example
and other related entities in the demo application.

Install&  Run:

1. Extract the tar achieve on your hard disk.
2. Change to osgi-ofbiz folder.
3. Execute ./ofbiz -console.
4. point your browser to http://localhost:8080/demo?startup=example

Example application is written using Eclipse RAP. On application startup,
you should see a table with existing examples in the left pane. Try changing
the length of the columns.

Double clicking on a example should open it in the right pane editor.
Changing a field value in the editor should show instantly in the right left
panel (table view). Try emptying the name field in the editor and it should
show you a validation decorator. Hovering mouse on decorator should show you
the validation message. As soon as you change any field, an asterisk (*)
should appear next to the title on editor pane. Trying closing the editor
and you should see a dialog box prompting to save before closing. Save the
example by clicking on save button on toolbar.

3. Try creating an new example. Save the example and you should see the
newly added example in the left pane without browser refresh.

Should you need any further help, feel free to ask me. Look forward to
your feedback.



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