what the error says in that it can not find a certain class in the
classpath. my guess is the map method which would be in the JDK runtime.

as far as debian Adam Health is the one that puts Debian specific items
in.  Not sure he reads the user mailing list. Might give him a shout on
the dev ML.

I have not run 10;.04 on my centos which as Open JDK, but I doubt it is
the same distro as debian.
I am downloading through eclipse on to my dev machine it is slow.
so will let you know if it compiles, later this day.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation 
Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Matt Warnock sent the following on 5/17/2010 11:59 PM:
> Have tried it with and without "ant clean" before, usually running "ant
> run-install", but also various other "ant" and "./ant" targets. Not sure
> I understand the difference between ./ant and the system ant.
> Wish I understood the error messages better.  

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