lets start with how these companies related tax wise.
usually one is the corporation and one is the S corp.
or One corporation is the Top and the other corporation is a profit center.
if both companies are related tax wise then you would setup different facility and do stock transfers.

If the companies are not related tax wise, then the company that supplies to company one is a supplier to Company 1. you can not run both companies in the same application due to financial reporting without heavy modification to the code.

Company 2has the role of supplier and is selected for each product.
this is done through the menus for a product at UI level.

This creates a supplier Product link to the product.

A ProductID that can be in many catalogs.

As a note you could run both companies if not related using the multitenacy feature just introduced.
then each company would share the code but have seperate databases.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
Linkedin <http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro>

Jonatan Soto sent the following on 7/1/2010 8:57 AM:
Hi all,

I have a few doubts on how Ofbiz handles internal organizations. My business
logic needs to setup two internal organizations at the top level. One is the
responsible for B2C operations (company1) and the other for B2B operations
(company2). Company1 has to purchase products from Company2 and then
Company2 has to replicate and split the PO to different providers. So
Company2 acts as a supplier of Company1. I did the following steps:

1. Create catalog1 for company1 (B2C web sales purposes)
2. Create catalog2 for company2 with exactly the same products (B2B)
3. Create a party1 and set up a relationship as employee to company2.
4. Create store1 for company1 with catalog1
5. Create store2 for company2 with catalog2

When I log in using party1 I'm able to see all catalogs and change the
default organization.  So the question is, how can I restrict the  access
and actions that belongs to a specific organization?
Note that I checked the code and I found some files (eg.
CatalogScreens.xml#FindProdCatalog) where I would be able to insert specific
business logic, but I don't know if it is possible to configure that without
touching the code.

Any suggestions/ideas of how to do it are very welcome.

Thanks in advance.


Jonatan Soto

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