since supplier can also have multiple warehouses unless you get real time update of their inventory and which Facility then have it in you can not begin to customize for shipping estimates that way.

Most dropshipper will tell you their cost to ship, so use an excel sheet and average you shipping so that you come out a little positive
you will have to tweak this as you get more order history.
then you can put your averages in the estimates.

Mike Z sent the following on 7/30/2010 9:17 AM:
I'm trying to understand how this works.  As far as I can tell,
shipping seems to be tied to the store.  However, if the store has
multiple suppliers (who are dropshippers), each having potentially
different options for shipping (fedex/ups/etc), is it possible to
present to the shopper the shipping rules and options specifically for
that supplier?  If so, then where is this configured?


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