
Path to your keystore will depend what is configured in your Tomcat SSL Connector. You can check this in the ofbiz-container.xml file in ${ofbiz.home}/framework/base/config folder.

In the past, I observed that certificates imported in the ofbizssl.jks did not work. Therefore, you may need to import certificates in your JDK keystore which is somewhere in the JRE.



On 10/08/10 11:29, Anurag Walia wrote:
Hi all,
Thanks In advance.
I need your help regarding configuration
I am trying to import files using this command

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file (path to certificate) -alias
AUTHORIZE_NET -keystore ./ofbizssl.jks

i have some confussion.

what should be (path to certificate)?
what is the actual path of ofbizssl.jks ?
and is their any more certification required like .

Looking for your great help...

Anurag Walia

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