Hi Guys,

We also thought that this would be the next logical step for us to move
into OFBiz (and therefore build out) but not quite go as far as copying
SugarCRM but first take one part and build that out to get the simpler
stuff working first.

I was thinking that this probably would be to make the issue tracking in
SFA to work more efficiently - we get around 1,000 emails a day here so
it would be a good test. I liked the features from
http://www.kayako.com/demo/ so borrowed healivy from them for the
requirements but the one thing I don't know is when I can get someone on

I am wondering why though you want to build it in a new component rather
than extend the existing SFA one when the foundations of replicated
SugarCRM already exist?


On 13/08/2010 02:08, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> Hi BJ,
> Actually I was suggesting this to Aayush.
> I really believe this part could be an opportunity for more users to be
> interested in OFBiz.
> All the data model and related services are ready. We simply need to
> make more it "standard".
> We would then achieve 2 goals, showing that OFBiz is "easily"[1] able to
> mimic, say Sugar CRM, and attract more people who will then discover all
> what OFBiz can offer under the hood!
> It could be also an opportunity to do it with jQuery which is simply the
> best when it comes to create a Fancy UI.
> So my proposition to Aayush, or anyone interested in OFBiz, would be to
> create a new CRM component in special purpose. Based on SFA and
> Marketing elements, mimicking Sugar CRM but enhancing it whit jQuery to
> really show to people that we can do better!
> Thanks to Erwan (there was a quick free PDF offer during FIFA World Cup)
> I'm currently (slowly) reading http://www.sitepoint.com/books/jquery1/
> and I amazed how easy and clever jQuery syntax is. I believe that when
> the jQuery branch will be merged in trunk a next step in OFBiz
> reputation will come because it will be far easier to use bells and
> whistles. It's only UI but UI is what people 1st see... Morevoer I have
> a client interested and willing to contribute (in jQuery not CRM).
> The only drawback with jQuery is to have to deal with many "repos" as
> it's a world in itself (lot of plugins...). We should also try to keep
> the UI *consistent*, else it could be worse than anything else and with
> jQuery's world this is not easy...
> Note this:
> http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2010/03/11/all-scripts-used-in-jquery-novice-to-ninja-are-now-free-to-download/
> So OFBiz enthusiasts, I tried to put some cards on the table, it's up to
> you...
> Jacques
> [1] I put easily in quote because this is of course easier for someone
> with experience with OFBiz than for a new comers
> From: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
>> I agree though I did this in SWT using the Eclipse UI format in 2006.
>> I have been thinking through how to leverage the portlets to make a
>> CRM interface.
>> but with everything else that about as far as it has gotten.
>> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 8/12/2010 4:01 AM:
>>> I think OFBiz will be better if we had a better/more complete UI in the
>>> SFA component. Even maybe a new more simple CRM component inspired by
>>> Sugar CRM for instance...
>>> We already discussed about this in more details in fall 2009...
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
>>>> Having been a successful instructor in the past, let me share some
>>>> insights.
>>>> 1) each discipline will require X number of manhours to accomplish.
>>>> 2)decent Knowledge can only be evaluated by someone proficient in the
>>>> discipline.
>>>> 3)the brain usually only retains 10% of the knowledge it is exposed to
>>>> each time, so the more exposure the more retention.
>>>> 4)building on a solid foundation of core operations of Discipline is
>>>> essential to accomplishing higher function of the discipline.
>>>> my dad gave me three rules for learning a new Discipline.
>>>> 1)read everything there is about a Discipline if you don't understand
>>>> a word or concept stop till you have figured it out.
>>>> 2)When you think you understand a concept, change the process and
>>>> predict the outcome.
>>>> 3)Run the process. if the outcome is what you predicted you understand
>>>> the concept. If not go back to #1` you missed something.
>>>> your instructor(consultant) of OFBiz should understands the manhours
>>>> to accomplish the tasks you need to perform and should have set down a
>>>> Course of actions that you need to follow. The instructor should also
>>>> have a fair Idea of your proficiency and short comings.
>>>> Once you have the manhours required and you know your ability to
>>>> dedicate to those hours, will determine you success on completion.
>>>> Setting up the Project Manger in ofbiz will give you some realtime
>>>> experience and help you evaluate your goals and Ofbiz from a User
>>>> perspective, as well as your overall project.
>>>> Aayush sent the following on 8/11/2010 9:17 PM:
>>>>> i am a student of engineering in computer science branch ....
>>>>> i'v a decent knowledge of core java and servelet, JDBC and JSP ...
>>>>> rite now m taking training under an employee of hot-wax media corp..
>>>>> and im planning to make my major project in ofbiz itself ...
>>>>> but m having a doubt that i wud be able to make sucessfull project on
>>>>> this
>>>>> or not ??
>>>>> m not doubting OFBiz ...rather m challanging myself ...
>>>>> i'v time of around an year ...i'v a group of 5 people and of which
>>>>> only 2 of
>>>>> us are taking training ...
>>>>> but we wud be teaching the rest of them whatever is coming to us ...
>>>>> rite now we'v understood how a request has to be traced ...so m
>>>>> able to
>>>>> reach upto the desired code location ......but rite now we'r unable to
>>>>> understand the services (business logics) ...we wud surely be
>>>>> working on
>>>>> that ....we'v implemented the hello1, hello2 and hello3 applications
>>>>> available on the tutorials available on net ....so now we know which
>>>>> package
>>>>> containes which files and what are their purpose ...
>>>>> so what do u think wud be a good idea to proceed further in the
>>>>> learning
>>>>> process of ofbiz
>>>>> and what wud be a good idea to make a project on ?????
>>>>> please rply sooon ......

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