Comments inline

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 11:53 AM, varun bhansaly <vbhans...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have written a view entity, as shown below, the intention is to perform
> inner join b/w two entities & a further condition.
> But after looking at the raw SQL, it seems entity engine seems to ignore
> entity condition tag.
> <view-entity entity-name="PartyRoleAndPersonExt"
>            package-name="org.ofbiz.custom"
>            title="party role and party detail">
>       <member-entity entity-alias="PR" entity-name="PartyRole"/>
>       <member-entity entity-alias="PERSON" entity-name="Person"/>
>       <alias-all entity-alias="PR"><exclude field="partyId"/></alias-all>
>       <alias entity-alias="PERSON" name="personPartyId" field="partyId"/>
>       <alias entity-alias="PERSON" name="firstName"/>
>       <alias entity-alias="PERSON" name="lastName"/>
>       <alias entity-alias="PERSON" name="middleName"/>
>       <view-link entity-alias="PR" rel-entity-alias="PERSON">
>         <key-map field-name="partyId"/>
>       </view-link>
>       <entity-condition>
>         <condition-expr field-name="roleTypeId" value="SALES_REP"
> entity-alias="PR"/>

try by providing entity-alias name on which you are making condition
, and  rel-optional="true" in view link


Ravindra Mandre

>        </entity-condition>
> </view-entity>
> Am i missing anything ?
> Is there any other way to specify extra conditions in the view entity
> definition itself ?
> --
> Regards,
> Varun Bhansaly

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