ASF rules don't prevent us from distributing jars, all they do is require that 
the official release distribution contains the source code (not necessarily 
"only" source code).


HotWax Media

On 26/08/2010, at 8:07 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> To be more clear, it's induced by ASF rules on releases
> Jacques
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
>> Thanks for your support BJ!
>> Jacques
>> From: "BJ Freeman" <>
>>> the reason the nightly builds were hidden is for the very reason you 
>>> express, they are for testing and debugging not for official release.
>>> I gave you the link to them. I use them for the demo-trunk that I support.
>>> Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 8/25/2010 9:57 AM:
>>>> Hi BJ:
>>>> Perhaps, but as recently as 4 months ago - one could go to the
>>>> "official" download page and get a build already packaged with the jar
>>>> files and the seed data loaded. (Personally, I don't care what that
>>>> build was called. It existed and was easy to find by following the
>>>> download links). I wrote extensively about it for some time. Then, one
>>>> day, I went to the "official" download site and lo-and-behold - things
>>>> had changed. Too bad because the fact that stuff was already packaged
>>>> and ready to go was a great selling point.
>>>> All I can say is that if I was a little surprised at the turn of events,
>>>> I can only imagine what potential users without much exposure to how
>>>> things are done here, would think.
>>>> Anyhow, it doesn't really matter.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ruth
>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>> Ruth I think your confusing the Nightly builds
>>>>> with the Final Release(
>>>>> .
>>>>> the Final release has not changed it format. it is the code minus all
>>>>> the svn tags for versioning. it also has a check sum to validate you
>>>>> downloaded the full zip file.
>>>>> up till the final release of 9.04(zip) there were only the branch and
>>>>> nigthly builds.
>>>>> The Branch is source code only and access via the svn.
>>>>> the nightly builds are compiled and have the demo data loaded.
>>>>> as you can see you can pick dates of nightly builds.
>>>>> =========================
>>>>> BJ Freeman <>
>>>>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
>>>>> Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
>>>>> Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 8/25/2010 7:58 AM:
>>>>>> Hi Laxmiraghu:
>>>>>> Unfortunately, the project recently decided to change the way OFBiz is
>>>>>> distributed. And, they pretty much forgot to tell anyone. The jar file
>>>>>> is no longer part of the distribution as it was as recently as 6 months
>>>>>> ago. You MUST now build OFBiz prior to startup. The build process as
>>>>>> described in various locations around the community will create all the
>>>>>> necessary jar files.
>>>>>> For more information on this including very simple build instructions,
>>>>>> you may download my free document "How To Get OFBiz Code (Release 9.04)"
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> BTW, inclusion of the necessary jar files could change any day since the
>>>>>> decision to do such things appear to be arbitrarily arrived out by the
>>>>>> project commiters or whoever is responsible for setting up the builds.
>>>>>> Good luck.
>>>>>> Ruth Hoffman
>>>>>> laxmiraghu wrote:
>>>>>>> Recently i downloaded ofbiz 9.04 version for windows.
>>>>>>> I installed mysql and java 6 and set the JAVA_HOME variable.
>>>>>>> I unpacked the ofbiz downloaded zip file to C drive. It created a
>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>> 'apache-ofbiz-09.04'.
>>>>>>> As per the documentation, i went to the above directory and executed
>>>>>>> 'startofbiz.bat' command.
>>>>>>> But it gave the following error message.
>>>>>>> C:\apache-ofbiz-09.04>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\bin\java"
>>>>>>> -Xms128M
>>>>>>> -Xmx
>>>>>>> 512M -jar ofbiz.jar
>>>>>>> Unable to access jarfile ofbiz.jar
>>>>>>> It's unable to find ofbiz.jar file.
>>>>>>> I also searched for ofbiz.jar file in entire apache-ofbiz-09.04
>>>>>>> folder. It's
>>>>>>> not found.
>>>>>>> Where can i find that file? Hope it's part of the downloaded zip file.
>>>>>>> Please help.

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