if I read this correct you have introduced many variables.
1) have you tested loading a MySQL db over the network in this configuration, list a restore, not using ofbiz?
2) have you tested loading a local MySQL db using ofbiz?

BJ Freeman  <http://bjfreeman.elance.com>
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

varun bhansaly sent the following on 8/31/2010 5:32 AM:
I have setup 10.04 branch in my dev enviornment, with MySQL db
server(v5.1.46 on a separate VM) with utf8 encoding on Open Suse 11.3 having
4 processors&  2 gb ram.
Encoding in entityengine.xml is set to utf8.
Database creation with demo data takes minimum 40 minutes. Is this an
acceptable for db creation given above configuration ?

PS : My previous MySQL server with latin1 encoding with 6 CPU and 12 gigs
ram used to take 10 mins.

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