Hi Pierre,

Sounds like getDayStart() is being passed a null argument.  Either 
parameters.psd is returning null or toTimestamp() is.


HotWax Media

On 6/09/2010, at 8:55 PM, Pierre Smits wrote:

> Hi all,
> In a .groovy file I want to capture from a query-string a date-time string
> for the start of a period ( &psd=2010-09-01 09:14:00.000) and a date-time
> string for the end of a period (&ped=2010-09-06 10:46:13.000).
> In the .groovy file I have following code:
> periodStartDate = parameters.psd;
> tmpPSD =
> UtilDateTime.getDayStart(UtilDateTime.toTimestamp(periodStartDate));
> periodEndDate = parameters.ped;
> tmpPED = UtilDateTime.getDayEnd(UtilDateTime.toTimestamp(periodEndDate));
> But when I look at the result of both tmpPSD and tmpPED I don't get the
> expected DayStart value for tmpPSD or DayEnd value for tmpPED, but the
> DayStart and DayEnd values for today....
> How can I resolve this?
> Regards,
> Pierre

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