I am using ofbiz 09.04, wanted to know if its possible to configure a seca
on a service which could be invoked multiple times with different values -
The scenario -

<eca service="someService" event="invoke">
        <set field-name="field1" value="SOME_VALUE1"/>
        <action service="serviceToBeInvoked" mode="sync"/>
<eca service="someService" event="invoke">
        <set field-name="field1" value="SOME_VALUE2"/>
        <action service="serviceToBeInvoked" mode="sync"/>
<eca service="someService" event="invoke">
        <set field-name="field1" value="SOME_VALUE3"/>
        <action service="serviceToBeInvoked" mode="sync"/>

So for every someService invoke, serviceToBeInvoked should be executed 3
times with different values for field1.
With the above configuration, service engine executes serviceToBeInvoked
only once.
What could be other suggested ways so that serviceToBeInvoked is executed 3

Varun Bhansaly

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