Hi Chris:
That is what I do on the MyOFBiz.com site. Here is an excerpt from my
seed data:
<DataResource dataResourceId="PUB-RSS0710"
isPublic="Y" />
<SubscriptionResource subscriptionResourceId="PUB-RSS0710"
description="How To Add An RSS Feed In 5 Easy Steps" />
I also have a Product record and a productId of PUB-RSS07010 which is a
"digital good". So there is a ProductSubscriptionResource record:
<ProductSubscriptionResource productId="PUB-RSS0710"
subscriptionResourceId="PUB-RSS0710" fromDate="2001-05-13 12:00:00.0"
maxLifeTime="180" maxLifeTimeUomId="TF_day" />
You would change the maxLifeTime to a value that suited your requirements.
FYI - Packt just told me that the OFBiz CookBook that I've been working
on with them is available on their site:
Not sure when Amazon will have it.
Hope this helps!
On 9/14/10 2:29 AM, David E Jones wrote:
Sounds like what the Subscription and related entities are desired for...
On Sep 14, 2010, at 12:25 AM, chris snow wrote:
I would like to be able to sell tokens for services using ofbiz.
A customer will buy a token (e.g. for £30). The token will allow
unlimited access to a single resource (e.g. downloading a particular
document/book) as many times as the customer requires. Therefore, the
token is tied to a resource id.
Is there already a similar concept in ofbiz that I could use as the
basis for my requirements? Maybe the gift certificate functionality?
Many thanks,