sorry, I meant own customization

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:16 PM, BJ Freeman <> wrote:

> MANAGER is generic and for small company enough
> you want more granuallity meand you create a
> Then implement it in the Facilities code and screens
> then remove the MANAGER from your party and add your MANAGER_PACKING
> you can also add TEAM_PACKING, for Those working in Packing.
> =========================
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <
>  <>
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 2:07 PM:
>  This is confusing me, so what about if I rephrase my question:
>> - I have a party, what roles should I give to the party?
>> I don't want to give a role if I don't know what effect that role has.
>>  For example, I have an employee who is a manager of a small team in
>> my packing department.  There is a MANAGER role available in
>> PartyTypeData, so this seems like a natural fit and I assign the
>> MANAGER role to my packing manager.   I have now inadvertently given
>> my manager extended privileges in the WebPOS.  This is clearly not my
>> intention.
>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:49 PM, BJ Freeman<>  wrote:
>>> the basic use of roles it to define before there is data available.
>>> it also is a way of selecting certain function (roles) of a party.
>>> The Demo data is not complete and is there to show that one of the roles
>>> you
>>> can have is BUYER.
>>> these are covered in the Datamodel book vol I.
>>> chris snow sent the following on 9/19/2010 1:40 PM:
>>>> A text search on the "BUYER" role type suggests that RoleType doesn't
>>>> actually do anything other than act as a label for Parties.  I must be
>>>> missing something?
>>>> $ grep -r '"BUYER"' *
>>>> applications/securityext/data/UserDemoData.xml:<PartyRole
>>>> partyId="admin" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> applications/securityext/data/UserDemoData.xml:<PartyRole
>>>> partyId="bizadmin" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> applications/party/data/PartyTypeData.xml:<RoleType
>>>> description="Buyer" hasTable="N" parentTypeId="EMPLOYEE"
>>>> roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> applications/order/servicedef/orderProcessXPDL.xml:
>>>> <Participant Id="BUYER" Name="Purchase Order Approval Role">
>>>> applications/accounting/data/DemoPaymentsInvoices.xml:<PartyRole
>>>> partyId="AcctBuyer" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> specialpurpose/workflow/data/OrderProcessWorkflow.xml:
>>>> <WorkflowParticipant packageId="org.ofbiz.order"
>>>> packageVersion="20030730144901" processId="_NA_" processVersion="_NA_"
>>>> participantId="BUYER" participantName="Purchase Order Approval Role"
>>>> description="Reviews and approves/rejects orders"
>>>> participantTypeId="ROLE"/>
>>>> specialpurpose/workflow/data/OrderProcessWorkflow.xml:
>>>> <WorkflowActivity packageId="org.ofbiz.order"
>>>> packageVersion="20030730144901" processId="ProcessOrder"
>>>> processVersion="20030730144901" activityId="approvePurchaseOrder"
>>>> objectName="Approve Purchase Order #${orderId}" objectPriority="5"
>>>> timeLimit="12.0" startModeEnumId="WAM_MANUAL"
>>>> finishModeEnumId="WAM_MANUAL" performerParticipantId="BUYER"
>>>> activityTypeEnumId="WAT_NO" canStart="N" joinTypeEnumId="WJT_XOR"
>>>> splitTypeEnumId="WST_XOR" acceptAllAssignments="N"
>>>> completeAllAssignments="N" limitService="sendProcessNotification"
>>>> limitAfterStart="N" delegateAfterStart="Y" restartOnDelegate="N"
>>>> inheritPriority="Y"/>
>>>> specialpurpose/ecommerce/data/DemoOrderPeopleData.xml:<PartyRole
>>>> partyId="DemoBuyer" roleTypeId="BUYER"/>
>>>> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:13 PM, chris snow<>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> I'm manually working through the ecommerce demo setup data to create a
>>>>> new site and along the way gain more insight into the ofbiz data
>>>>> structures.
>>>>> When I encounter a RoleType, I want to know what effect this role has
>>>>> on ofbiz.  For example, the RoleType: MANAGER,
>>>>> <Party partyId="admin" partyTypeId="PERSON"/>
>>>>> ...
>>>>> <PartyRole partyId="admin" roleTypeId="MANAGER"/>
>>>>> If I do a text search through the ofbiz source for "MANAGER", I can
>>>>> see that the MANAGER RoleType is used in several places, including:
>>>>> component://pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/event/
>>>>> component://webpos/src/org/ofbiz/webpos/session/
>>>>>  From this I can deduce that the MANGER role has an influence on the
>>>>> behaviour of the pos and webpos components.
>>>>> Searching for individual RoleType's is insightful, but is time
>>>>> consuming.  Is there an easier way for me to understand how various
>>>>> RoleType's influence the ofbiz processes?
>>>>> If there isn't an easier way, I'm happy to continue my search process
>>>>> and create a wiki page to document the various RoleType's and their
>>>>> effect on the behaviour of ofbiz.
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Chris


Jonatan Soto

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