Yes you can do some of what your are asking but you should be using the "value" 
attribute instead of the "from-field" attribute in the set operation.

What I don't think you can do out of the box is make use of the 
${layoutSettings.contextPath} variable simply because I don't think OFBiz 
provides such a thing.  Because the URLs provided in the theme data already 
have a full path provided, the mount point for the theme isn't stored anywhere, 
nor is there any guarantee that all theme resources will be stored under a 
single webapp.  In tomahawk for example, some resources are stored in /images 
and others are stored in /tomahawk so there is no single "contextPath".

So to summarize:
- Yes you can override the logo supplied by the theme data
- No you cannot have part of the logo URL path be data driven unless you find a 
way to supply that data yourself


HotWax Media

On 8/10/2010, at 12:30 PM, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:

> If there's anything that's not clear, please ask.
> On Thu Oct 07,2010 03:37 pm, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>> Hello all:
>> I am wondering if there is a simple way to access the context of current
>> theme from the main-decorator in any component ? 
>> Basically I want ot be able to do something like:
>> <screen name="main-decorator">
>>    <section>
>>        <actions>
>>            <property-map resource="AccountingUiLabels" map-name="uiLabelMap" 
>> global="true"/>
>>            ...
>>            <set field="layoutSettings.headerImageUrl" 
>> from-field="${layoutSettings.contextPath}/images/accounting.png" 
>> global="true" />
>>            ....
>>        </actions>
>>    .....
>>    </section>
>> This will make the logo for each component themable.
>> Thank you.

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