Hi Kashi, Himanshu, Santosh, 

Check the parameters in web.xml and check the ControlServlet. This will help 
you how this is happening. 
After you are done on this then also check web.xml of ecommerce and 
CatalogServlet for 

This will help you learn the request formation. 

Chirag Manocha 
Emforium Software Pvt. Ltd. | ALL-IN Software 
+91-98735-47457 | +91-98263-19099 
Please don't print this Email unless you really need to - this will preserve 
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From: "Santosh Singh" <santoshs.ind...@gmail.com> 
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org 
Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2010 8:33:46 AM 
Subject: web path address problem, Is it a bug? 

*Hi all, 
we are novice for ofbiz.* 
yesterday when we are trying to create the "Practice Application", noticed 
on hitting the address in address bar of browser 
*or* http://localhost:8080/practice/control/main*, we got the same output of 
main page 

* or* http://localhost:8080/practice/main/person*, we got the same output of 
Person page. 

After a hrs of struggling found that it is also happens on the following 
links of demo site. 

out put are same. 
again it repeated with this also. 

*Are we doing something wrong or silly mistakes? or it is a kind of bug 
"some redirection problem" or something else. 

Please guide us, your great help will be appreciated whole heartedly. 

Kashi, Himanshu & Santosh Singh. 

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