I found this issue while trying to create a new top level item like the existing "CMS Site Demo screen/decorator example" on the left Nave

Start at

Click the "CMS" sub-tab next to "Parties"
I am presented with a "Data Type" drop-down
I choose "URL Resource" , click continue

Enter Data:
Name: "Test Top Page"
MapKey: "testMapKey"
Purpose: "Sub Content"
Url: "component://cmssite/widget/CmssiteScreens.xml#testScreen"

Click Save
Looks like it saved, but when I click link in the left nav the Url portion is gone.

Locally I debugged far enough to see that I think that it has something to do with the DataResource entity not getting populated. I am not sure what to look at so I could provide a patch.

Anyone have any advice or clues on where to start looking.

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