
    Can we register a new customer in OFBiz without accepting the address


     I have integrated OpenId with OFBiz, and a user is successfully
authenticated against an OpenID Provider (Eg: Google).
Now i need to fit this with the normal registration flow in ofbiz, because i
feel it is inappropriate to code the entire module of MAINTAINING USER
and other such functionalities which are already provided by OFBiz OOTB

Note: User details available from an OpenId provider are limited like:
FirstName, LastName, FullName, Email, Language, & Gender.

So, i will bind only the parameters available above in the registration form
(custom implementation) and ask the user ONLY for a change in userName if
(*** Since userId has to be saved in OFbiz DB for other purporses).

 At this point, can i ignore all the other details(address) required while
registration so that i can successfully save the user in OFBiz DB also. And
accept address details,
when the customer is actually placing an order at a later stage.

What is the after-effect for the above implementation?

Please excuse me if the explanation is a bit lengthy, and point me out if i
am going wrong. What needs to be done to get this working.
Thanks in advance.

Naveen Kumar B.V

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