
Ofbiz : a Commons Platform

My client has a number of different applications each storing and
maintaining data similar to facilities, parties, contact information,
addressing, geodata, content, location based information etc ...

There is a real need to consolidate not only the data but also the
mechanisms to manage it.

Taking the above into consideration I am contemplating the following :

1) Using OFBiz as a commons platform.
2) Exposing all existing OFBiz services relating to facilities, parties,
contact information, address, geodata, content ... to external clients via
web services.
3) Publish a WSDL for all necessary services.
4) Client applications can read the WSDL file to determine what operations
are available on the server.

To-date, I have not found anything comprehensive in terms of documentation
or user experience as to how this might be achieved. Of all the OFBiz + "web
services" posts I found this one (
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-3877) seemed the closest to the
mark, but I get the impression that some of this is still work in progress.
(If I am off the mark here, please feel free to correct me).

Your thoughts and comments regarding "OFBiz : a Common Platform" would be
most appreciated.

Kind regards


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