I never have intentionally tried to portray myself "to represent the project or portray yourself as a major part of the project." That is why I have the signature on my emails.

I do share as one that is on the mailing list and would be glad that others take up the role.

As far a getting work from Ofbiz, I rather not since it ties my hands for my goals. I have adopted ofbiz as a core that i have modified to meet my business goals. In that regard, that gives me a perspective others do not have or show relative, to end product.

I do provide solutions outside of this mailing list and project. I was doing that long before ofbiz came into existence. my gross income says I know what I am doing.

David E Jones sent the following on 2/22/2011 12:36 AM:

Contributing absolutely does bring attention. What bothers me, and why I 
responded about this, is that you answer all sorts of questions very poorly and 
often represent yourself as part of the project, and the result is that people 
think less of the project for it.

It's great that you participate on the mailing lists, and that you have made a 
couple of real code contributions. My suggestion is for your benefit and for 
the project is that you put more effort into quality instead of quantity. If 
you did that, perhaps you'd be on the list of committers and PMC members.

I hope you do get work based on your contributions here, but please don't try 
to represent the project or portray yourself as a major part of the project. 
It's not honest, and it's not fair to those who really have made this project 
what it is.


On Feb 22, 2011, at 12:21 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:

you are inaccurate, in that through committer, I have contributed.
and the fact I contribute on the mailing list is why he ask.
so maybe if more were showing they were interested in others, they would ask 

by your statement, only people on the apache-ofbiz-pmc-members-and-committers 
can help or know anything, yet I don't see but a few contribute on the mailing 

as you can see contributing brings attention.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier 
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

David E Jones sent the following on 2/21/2011 11:18 PM:

Ousmane: if you're reading this please understand that while BJ is very active 
in the OFBiz mailing lists, he isn't really a contributor to OFBiz otherwise 
and has no part in speaking for the project.

For a list of those with more official roles in the project, including the 
Project Management Committee (PMC) members and committers, please see:


That said, if you have questions about Apache OFBiz a great place to ask is 
right here on the user mailing list. Actually, the best place to look for 
answers is in the extensive documentation available for OFBiz, and the home 
page of the project has some great links to get you started with that:



On Feb 21, 2011, at 9:31 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

I am forwarding this to the user mailing list.

I am in the process of integrating the project manager to the ERP.
I am not really that far yet except for setting up the goals.
I think it is a good conversation the user mailing list


BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier 
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
Ousmane Ba sent the following on 2/21/2011 8:06 PM:
Hello BJ
I wish to talk about Ofbiz general plans the project etc. I see you
are one of the most active members. There are couple of things that
bother me a little.
I have only been looking at the system for a couple of months now. I
have some ERP experience I used to work for SAP.
Coming up to speed is kind of hard and I would like to remedy that.
I will try and find my yahoo ID and contact you online.

On 2/21/2011 6:29 PM, automationi...@businessesnetwork.com wrote:
hi Ousmane :
I use Yahoo Im ID bjfr33man
otherwise I use email.
what is it you wish to talk about

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
Ousmane Ba sent the following on 2/16/2011 8:03 AM:
Hello BJ
My name is Ousmane Ba. I saw your message on the ofbiz mailing list.
I feel we should talk.
I use skype my ID is skypoba.

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